Usf Independent Contractor Worksheet

If in doubt, send the IC spreadsheet to your contractor. You should be able to identify the right business structure and fill out the form if necessary. Proof that the contractor is providing the service to other customers must be provided. Brochures, business cards, website and/or customer list are examples of „proof of business“. Alternatively, the entrepreneur can provide a statement that he has an active business (business card, customer list, etc. is useful). Departments submit a NEW supplier application form through Bull Marketplace to create a supplier record. The IC worksheet is not required in this step. USF departments should refer to the instructions in the ic worksheet for examples of common situations classified as independent contractors (Section III) and USF employees (Section II). Some quick ground rules: Payroll is reviewing the request regarding the U.S. treaty with the NRA country.

The tax implications are calculated and the net payment made to the recipient is indicated on the approval form. The department may want to adjust the total amount if a certain amount has to be paid. The overall price of demand could be increased to adjust retention. If Payroll approves the document package, add the approval to the request and approve the request in Workflow on the Approve Request Amounts page. The payroll contact is Linda Karppe, ALN147 (813) 974-6028. Expenses of more than one million dollars application for permits Independent contractors are external individuals, sole proprietorships or LLCs that are treated as non-considered corporations for federal income tax purposes that provide services to USF. An independent contractor cannot currently be a USF employee, have been terminated from employment within the last 12 months, or provide services otherwise defined in a USF employee classification. To determine whether or not a person is defined as an independent contractor or an employee of the USF, an independent contractor (IC) worksheet is used. Payment services receive the NRA`s W-8BEN; Departments should not process W-8BEN forms. An IC worksheet must be signed and dated within the last 12 months. Work that is NOT done on U.S. soil does not require a payroll review, and the NRA is treated as a regular independent contractor.

Only the IC worksheet is required. The IC worksheet must be attached to each request for a requirement or contractual requirement when an independent contractor is selected as a supplier. The form is not required at the vendor configuration step. In general, simple, single-service, low-cost services can be processed using a request. For complex services, highly staffed services and/or multi-year services, a contract is recommended. Purchasing will work with USF Human Resources and Tax Advisory Services to decide whether to approve or deny the independent contractor`s application. If this is rejected, the department is responsible for working with USF Human Resources to put the person on the payroll. Follow the instructions on the A-Z index page for non-resident foreigners. The requesting department and the potential independent contractor must follow the instructions for a complete and accurate execution of the independent contractor`s worksheet to allow for transparent processing.

Services are subject to the same tendering and purchase exemption requirements as other goods. Yes, please visit the Purchase Forms page. Changes to this model should BE limited ONLY to the contractor`s name, the duration (duration) of the agreement, the total cost and Appendix A, which contains the scope of work. All other terms and conditions MUST remain unchanged. This agreement must only be signed by Procurement Services via BMP`s Contracts+ module. Request for Quotation Form – (Not required, can be used to formalize oral citations) The scope of work must include at least the following: performance data, cost of service, detailed description of the work to be performed and/or expected services. Before hiring a non-resident foreigner, please complete the relevant documents below and submit them to payroll. A requirement number must be provided to Payroll. Initiate and save a request, but do not transfer it to purchase at that time. The request must include a description and data of the service and indicate where and when the services will be performed. Supplier Diversity Office`s Quarterly Review of the Principal Contractor. .

Posted in Allgemein